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Dossiê Especial

Paisagens de Poder

Projeto, Arquitetura e Urbanismo em Cidades Capitais

Submissão de Artigos

Thematic issue

Landscapes of Power

Design, Architecture and Urbanism in Capital Cities

Call for Papers

1st TOPOS International Seminar

Landscapes of Power

Reconsidering the Twentieth Century Capital Cities

22nd, 23rd and 24th of June, 2022

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The research Chronology of Urban Thought is centered on the historiography of urban thought with a focus on the circulation of ideas, and its main objective is to support an intellectual history of urbanism, in order to bring new perspectives of analysis and new cuts in the historiographical review movement around of this disciplinary field.

The research Chronology of Urban Thought is centered on the historiography of urban thought with a focus on the circulation of ideas, and its main objective is to support an intellectual history of urbanism, in order to bring new perspectives of analysis and new cuts in the historiographical review movement around of this disciplinary field.

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A journey to the universe of new cities, this is the invitation that this work offers readers in order to transit, from the author's particular vision, through the context, concepts and aspects inherent to this urban type, still little explored by the Brazilian specialized literature.

Ricardo Trevisan

New Cities


Cinema e memória urbana: documentário Estrutural e as narrativas sobre a consolidação da Cidade Estrutural – DF

Peter Eisenman in loco

Entre sentidos, monumentos como estruturas limítrofes: um olhar sobre o sangramento do monumento

Dispersão urbana e empresas urbanizadoras na cidade industrial

Initiations FINAL BOOK (optimized).pdf.j


This book holds together the proceedings of a three day inter national conference on architectural education that took place at the University of Cyprus, in Nicosia, between 23-25 October 2019. The conference focused on first year design teaching and the broad theme under examination was how we introduce students to the world of architectural design.


practices of teaching 1st year design in architecture




Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - FAU | University of Brasilia – UnB

Central Institute of Sciences - ICC Norte - Gleba A |

  Darcy Ribeiro University Campus - Asa Norte - PO Box 4431

Brasilia | Federal District | 70904-970

+55 61 3107–7449

© 2020 por Labeurbe
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